After making detail for “Customers “and “venders” its time to maintain “items” record that you are dealing with.
After making detail for “Customers “and “venders” its time to maintain “items” record that you are dealing with.
For this first you have to click on the “maintain” option
than click on the “Inventory items” a window will open like:
After you click on the “Inventory items next window will
open with the name “maintain inventory items” like:
Now in this window two areas exist:
- Header field
- Tab area
In “header field” you have to fill the three options.
First is “item ID” in
which you assign a specific ID to that items as we did for customers and
Secondly we write “description for our that specific item.
Like “Shoes, shirts, raw material, etc..
Than the third and last option in header field is “item
class”. In this we write that our item is of what class like “stock item,
non-stock item, store item etc..
After filing this area we move on towards the “tab area” in
which three tabs exists.
In this area the first Tab is “General”
In General tab we fill the information for “description”
like this item is for what purpose sale or purchase.
Than the price level for that item. We can choose the price
level by clicking the very next button of this column.
We can choose any price level for this item from this list.
After that we have to fill the tax type for this item, last
unit cost that we had charge for this item, cost method for this like “FIFO,
LIFO, and Weighted avg” and than the three General Ledger accounts like “sales
account, inventory account and cost of sales account”.
that we fill the UPC/SKU this is related to forwarding companies, Item type
again for this item, location of this item, measuring unit means in what unit
we are measuring this item, weight of this item, than the “Minimum stock” means
what will be the minimum quantity for this item and also the reorder quantity,
and in the last “purchase vender ID” this ID we had already made in the vender
option and “burger ID” this will be the ID that our vender has been assign to
us. Than the last “beginning balance”.
So by completing all the huge and necessary information in
first “General” tab we click on the next tab that is “Custom fields” :
In this tab we have to fill the available options like
“alternative Venders” means if there is any other vender for this item than we
can thin about them, “substitutions” means is there any substitute for this
item that we write here, “special note” means if any note that we want to write
for this item so we write here.
After filing the “Custom fields” we click on the next tab
that is “History”:
In the history we can see the record for this item that preciously
when and on what coast it had been sale.
The remaining two tabs can’t be open or highlighted at this
Thank you.!!!
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